Periodontal Therapy – Geneva, OH
Soothe Your Sensitive & Bleeding Gums
Gums are a foundation for your smile. When you have a strong foundation backed up by consistent oral hygiene and routine checkups and cleanings at our dental office, you’re not worrying about getting a future dental crown or other restoration to keep your smile healthy.
Without proper oral hygiene at home and professional care, it isn’t just your teeth that are at risk of developing problems, but your gums as well! For example, they can actually fall victim to an infection called periodontal disease, which can lead to redness, swelling, and frequent minor bleeding. As it progresses, it can cause chronic bad breath, loose teeth, and eventually—tooth loss! If any of these symptoms sound familiar, be sure to give us a call, and we’ll be happy to provide the specialized periodontal therapy in Geneva, OH that you need to completely renew oral health.
Why Choose Cooper Owens DDS for Periodontal Therapy?
- Advanced Technology Guarantees Fast & Effective Care
- Effective Arestin Antibiotics Designed to Promote Healing
- Expert Hygiene Team Removes the Source of Infection
Working Together to Save Your Gums
At our dental office, we truly believe that teamwork is dreamwork, and gum disease therapy is a perfect example of this philosophy. Each patient is going to have their own unique individual needs, and making tweaks to your at-home care is just as important as in-office scaling, root planing and antibiotic therapy. For example, if you have diabetes or a history of heart disease, we’ll make sure to take that into account during your treatment planning. After all, bacteria in the mouth is directly linked to these conditions as well as other ailments. That’s why they must be a part of the conversation when the time comes to create your treatment plan. During your exam, our hygienists will perform periodontal charting to confirm the condition of your gums. Perio charting is a method of measuring the space between your teeth and your gum tissue. If your gum tissue measures 4 millimeters in depth, it’s likely that gum disease is present. From there, we can start discussing your treatment options moving forward.
Antibiotic Therapy
In addition to hands-on scaling and root planing treatment, we can also help a patient tackle their periodontal disease outside of our dental office with Arestin antibiotic therapy. We simply apply a topical medicine to the gums that quickly dries, and over the next few days, it dissolves and seeps deep below the gum line. This enables it to reach and eliminate any leftover bacteria after a cleaning. Antibiotic therapy can also lower the risk of reinfection by reducing the size of periodontal pockets, the small spaces where troublesome bacteria like to gather and multiply.